Journey Of Joice
I was born in the sleepy town of Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. My childhood was surrounded by nature and vast beautiful paddy fields. It’s always been interesting for me to wake up early and watch the huge buffalos pulling the ploughs through the fields. I love the way the dragonflies hover around the paddy plants and how beautiful they were when motionless on the tip of the long paddy leaves. Day dreaming like this is what my childhood is filled with. I’ve always imagined that the dragonflies are fairies, sprinkling their magic dust all over the vast green kingdom. The magical world is filled with unicorns and other mystical creatures.
My vivid imagination is clearly expressed when i scribble on pieces of paper and colouring books. As I grew older my interest in art is stronger and i began to explore more on my creativity. I also developed a flair for music when I learnt the piano during my teenage years. My hunger for art is the drive for me to enter Art college after finishing school. Here my skills were enchanced and artistically i began to expand.
Graduating with an art degree, I’ve started working with a few advertising agencies and worked my way up as a Creative Head. Though it’s fast paced and really pushed my creativity far, i want to evolve and experinment. Realising that i love creating art and being free is the only way to fully express my artistic feeling, I left the advertising world to pursue my dreams.
I’ve started an art studio-Dragonfly Art Cottage in Bangsar. Aside from producing art works, I’ve also love children and teaching them art. ‘Teacher Joice’ is what my students call me. It’s mesmerizing to witness their artistic expression when they realise their true potential. It’s a true fulfillment to guide them to break away from the norm and be expressive at their heart’s will. The end result is a true form of innocence and sincerity. I’m grateful to be able to be along side & assisting them creating all their magical art works. Naturally, my passion for art also lead to the creation of Dragonfly Art Gallery.
This gallery is an online platform for me and my lovely students to show-case our artworks. The gallery has an extensive range of original art pieces and high quality prints. Every art pieces produced is unique and the style diversity has made this online gallery one of its kind.